Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas To All

Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas full of blessings, happiness, hope, peace, joy and love.

Keep Omming
Om Hari Om

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Your day - Choose Meditation and smile


This made me smile... laughter is good, smiling is good. A friend told me years ago that I should remember to stand tall and smile and that doing this would influence my mood and more often than not my day. My friend was right.

Meditation and spiritual sound vibration brings a smile to your face also. Mantra meditation using sacred sound is the most positive activity a person can take part in.

We are spiritual in essence but unfortunately we are ignorant of this fact. Due to lack of knowledge we neglect to feed ourselves spiritually, the end result being a state of total emptiness and frustration, bereft of true, deep, fulfillment, peace and satisfaction.

This world with all of it's temporary material sense pleasures has nothing substantial to offer the eternal spiritual person (us) There is no real, long lasting, true, or meaningful happiness for the soul in this finite world.

However, meditating on spiritual sound is a perfect fit for us, spiritual individuals who are residing temporarily in the earthly body. Why? Because we are spiritual in essence, this sacred meditation is a perfect fit for us, makes for perfect synergy, and brings forth the experience of deep peace, satisfaction, happiness and joy. Bliss is natural for the soul, this is what we want, what we hope for and what we spend our life time searching for. All of this we can uncover gradually over time through the practice of mantra meditation.

These are the facts as taught by thousands of self realised perfect yoga masters. If this topic interests you, leave a comment, or a query and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Or check out Yoga Meditation Studio Palm Beach or YMSA for more information.

If you prefer Facebook go here : Yoga Meditation Studio Palm Beach or

Wishing for you light and wisdom
Om Hari Om

Monday, October 7, 2013

Song Of God - Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi on Bhagavad Gita

"...When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and
when I  see not one ray of light on the horizon, I turn to the Bhagavad Gita, 
and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of 
overwhelming sorrow. My life has been full of tragedies and if they have not left
any visible and indelible effect on me, I owe it to the teachings of the Bhagavad
 Gita..." (India: June 8, 1925)

Om Tat Sat
Peace and Goodwill to All

Friday, September 20, 2013

Kindness Wisdom Meditation

In the end, Only kindness matters

What is real kindness? The self realized yogi might say that real kindness would entail sharing the knowledge of our true spiritual identity with everyone, friends and family alike. To share with all, the knowledge that we are NOT these gross physical bodies, we are made of a different energy entirely. In fact "we" are "the engine" the "driving force" within the body, the eternal, life particle, spirit spark that enables the body to move, see, talk, laugh, dance and love. If "I" the soul were to leave the body, symptoms of "life" would end or CEASE. In actual fact the body is "dead" and without the presence of the soul, the gross physical body immediately starts to break down. For a short time the body continues to look the same but it is already disintergrating, breaking down into very simple elements. This incredible information can be the beginning of one's spiritual journey and spiritual awakening. To find out more information on this and similar topics, as well as for a timetable and information about yoga meditation classes visit this blog. Yoga Palm Beach or visit this Facebook page Yoga Meditation Studio Palm Beach if you would like to, you can Like, comment, or ask questions. You can also rsvp for classes.

Stay well

Monday, August 12, 2013

Yoga Meditation for concentration, clarity, focus and peace

Just as daily exercise conditions your body, meditation does the same to your brain. After a few weeks of regular practice, you'll notice that your concentration, clarity and alertness have improved. Brain scans of meditators show that they produce more gamma brain waves, a high-premium type of electrical impulse that's used in focus, memory and making connections between different parts of the brain.

Through a daily mediation practice, you slowly train yourself to replace the automatic "fight or flight" response with "the relaxation response". Instead of a surge of adrenaline and a rapidly beating heartbeat, your sympathetic nervous system remains quiet. Blood tests have shown that long-time meditators actually have less of the stress hormone cortisol at the end of the day.

Research is proving that you can relax your way out of the blues. Two new studies have shown that people who meditated for 20 minutes twice a day experienced a 50 percent reduction in depressive symptoms. Meditation lifts your spirits in two ways, It triggers changes in the brain that lead to a release of feel-good chemicals, and it helps disrupt negative thinking patterns that can keep you stuck in a bad mood.

 People who suffer from psoriasis, a condition that causes itchy, scaly skin, listened to meditation tapes while they received ultraviolet light treatments. The results: They healed four times as fast as non-meditators. Why? Experts believe that meditation triggered the body's ability to repair itself.

As well as all of the above advantages, seasoned yogis, yoginis and meditators are aware that there are alot more benefits to the practice of meditation than the above. These benefits are widely accepted as good holistic by products that naturally accompany the practice of mantra meditation. This pursuit has been shown in many instances to have very deep signifigance spiritually. This practice can be life-changing. If you would like to know more about this topic you are most welcome to contact us. Leave a comment and include your details so that we can get back to you as soon as possible.

Take care.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Lifestyle - Contemplation through Yoga Meditation


Best Things In Life

Have you given alot of thought as to what are - the best "things" in life?
Specifically in YOUR life ?

Best - can mean, most valued, or most valuable, precious, treasured, memorable.

It would be sad to find that the "best" things in ones life were actually THINGS.

In the photo above the author is stating that the best things are actually NOT things.

So, I'm taking a wild guess and suggesting they might be referring to  Non - material stuff or goods. Things, that can't be purchased such as relationships and so forth.

What's valuable to me? I would have to say definitely family, friendship, knowledge, wisdom, health, happiness, peace, good will kindness and generosity to all living beings not just humans. And of utmost importance ... a spiritual lifestyle and the sharing of spiritual information.

A very simple and enjoyable way of sharing the experience of spiritual wisdom and knowledge  is via transcendental music, yoga sound meditation using yoga mantras.

Group meditation to music commonly known as kirtan is a truly timeless and beautiful way to immerse oneself in a soulful rich and satisfying experience.

If you would like to come an experience kirtan. Drop by, or call us if you would like to come to a free Yoga Meditation class. You would be very welcome.


Yoga Meditation Class

Friday, June 14, 2013

Old Age - Yoga Meditation And Yoga Mantras how these simple practices can help ...!

Old Age

Why does it feel so foreign for us to get old?

Yoga philosophy states that we are not these physical bodies. These bodies are our vehicles, we use the body to get around, to transport us here and there BUT they are not us.

Remember that old saying "Young at heart" or maybe you've heard people say, "I might look old BUT I still feel like I'm 16 years old"

We the soul are eternal, we never get old or for that matter die. There are countless references and quotes in various scriptures through out the world to support this fact.

The practise of Yoga Meditation in conjunction with the use of Yoga mantras help us to remember this. Yoga Mantras purify our consciousness, cutting through the ropes of forgetfulness that bind us to this world - bringing about an internal experience through revelation of the fact that we are NOT this physical body.

Find out more, learn how you can cope better with the inevitable ... growing old ! ... we can't stop it, but we can learn how to grow old gracefully, with knowledge, joy and in the absence of fear.

Join us for Yoga meditation and Yoga Mantras, experience freedom from anxiety and stress. Discover your real identity.

Yoga Meditation and Yoga Mantras

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Happiness - wisdom lays the foundation for true happiness


We all want to be happy. Our own true nature is in fact one of happiness. In the ancient Yoga texts it is written that the soul is happy by nature. To be happy is part of who we are, our instrinsic nature.

Yoga philosophy is not speaking of fleeting happiness, which comes about due to contact with the senses and sense objects, but rather of a much deeper, a much more satisfying infinitely greater happiness which naturally occurrs simply by uncovering the dormant powerful connection between ourselves the individual soul and the Supreme Soul.

This connection is already there, waiting to be reignited through the simple and enjoyable process of yoga meditation.

If you want to experience real joy and happiness be sure to contact us for information on free yoga meditation classes. Yoga mantras are the key.

Gauranga - Om Hari Om 

Yoga Meditation Palm Beach 4221

Friday, April 19, 2013

Karma - What is it?


We are born here because we have certain desires. Our gross physical body forms around the desires we bring with us from our previous birth. We use this body as our vehicle in order to be able to fulfill our desires in this world.

Being self centered we go on our merry way living for ourselves. Generally we are not interested in a life of transcendence, for it is a rare person indeed who is drawn to self realisation.

We live mostly for gratifying the senses, being totally unaware that there are certain laws in place which means that every action we perform incurrs a reaction.

As Lord Jesus said in the Bible "As Ye sow, so shall Ye reap" or "For every action there is a reaction" This is the simple law of karma. No one can escape this law I'm afraid. Unfortunately, just because we are unaware of this law does not make us exempt from it's effects.

As the quote says above, Never blame anyone in your Life, we are destined for a certain amount of happiness and a certain amount of bad experiences. We should know that everything we experience in life is due to our past deeds, good or bad.

There is however a positive alternative. A life of Akarma or No Karma. 

If you would like to know more: Be sure to contact us for a very simple and enjoyable solution.

Yoga Meditation Palm Beach 4221

Namaste !

Thursday, March 14, 2013

New life ... Try meditation and Yoga

Knowledge is wealth. The Vedas are an ancient literature made up of 1,000's of volumes of very valuable, sacred, information.

These timeless texts were written down for the first time as recently as 5000 years ago. Previous to being written down this precious knowledge was passed on orally from enlightened teacher to student. Although written down 5000 years ago this knowledge is actually eternal.

Contained within these volumes of works is information soley meant for freeing the conditioned soul from the restraints of this material world. These incredible works are available for anyone who is a sincere seeker of the truth.

For anyone who has ever asked the question: Is there more to life than what I am presently experiencing? Or: Who am I? What happens when I die? All of these questions can be answered fully.

Coming into contact with such incredible knowledge is like opening a door to the future and starting a new chapter in one's life.

If you are curious and would like to know more on this subject and similar be sure to contact us for the answers. Enquire about ongoing Yoga and Meditation classes.

Holistic Yoga Meditation Studio Palm Beach 4221


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

3 Stages of Life - Yoga Meditation, grow older gracefully


What is life? Is there a purpose? A goal? How can I make the best use of my life? What happens when I die? Is that the end?

We have all asked these questions. We ask our friends, our parents, teachers. We read books,  looking for the answers.

My parents would always say, "Why do you ask so many questions?" They couldn't help me because they didn't know the answers.

As kids we spend our time doing what kids love to do, have fun. So, most of a childs life is absorbed in play. That's their meditation :))

As young adults we work. Sooner or later we generally get involved in a relationship and start to think about buying a house and starting a family. All of which takes money. This means that we spend a large part of our time at work. We may have some goals as mentioned before, house and family, or maybe plan for retirement BUT that's about it. During this stage of life, although fit and healthy, with money not being too much of a problem, we are usually time poor.

Finally we find ourselves in the sunset stage of life.  The children have left home, we have all the time in the world. If we've been good planners we have money BUT now, NO or limited energy.

We find that life has gone by in a flash and we've spent the majority of time taking care of material responsibilities without paying any attention at all to spirit.

Theres a nice analogy about a bird in a cage which goes something like this.

There is a bird who sits in a beautiful gilded cage, so much attention is paid to polishing the cage that the bird is all but forgotten.

The point is, there needs to be a balance between material and spiritual. Without this balance there can be NO happiness.

We can live in this world, raise our families, hang out with friends without forgetting spirit. An easy way to accomplish this is by engaging in the ancient time tested practise of yoga meditation using yoga mantras.

This is a very simple enjoyable practise which will enliven you and bring you peace and happiness.

To find out how you and your family can utitlise this practise in your daily life, txt, call or drop over.  Find our what Yoga meditation can do for you.

Hari Om


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Cat Cow Stretch - Yoga Asana

Simple Cat Cow Pose 

  • Begin in neutral cat. On your mat - kneel on all fours, knees under hips and hands under shoulders. Nice flat back.  
  • Spread the fingers wide with the middle finger pointing towards the short edge of your mat. Be aware of the pads at the base of each finger as they contact the mat. 
  • Slowly inhale and look up. Lengthening away from your shoulders, keeping your neck long as you lengthen your shoulders down and away from your ears. 
  • Open your chest towards the front, taking the belly button towards your mat. Feel the gluts seperate.
  • Exhale, lower the head, chin towards the chest, keeping the back of the neck long as you round your back towards the ceiling.
  • Firm your belly and press the gluts together.  
  • Repeat for 4 to 6 breaths, moving smoothly between each move.

Cat pose alleviates stress, helps stretch the back of your neck and torso and gently massages your belly and abdominal organs. When combined with cow pose, cat pose can help to develop breath control and awareness, which is one of the most important lessons you can learn from a yoga practice.


The cat pose is generally not advised for people who have suffered a recent back or neck injury or have acute or chronic neck or back pain. If you have a stiff upper back, it may be difficult for you to round your upper back.

Before attempting any of these stretches seek advise from your doctor. We can not and will not be responsible for any injury caused by your attempt to stretch following these instructions.
