Monday, October 8, 2012

Yoga asana stretch - Uttanasana (Forward Fold)

Uttanasana - Yoga Stretch

This is a very simple yoga stretch. Try it and experience the benefits for yourself. It is best to practice any yoga pose on an empty stomach and in a nice relaxing environment.
When practicing a yoga stretch for the first time read and then re-read the instructions carefully first. When undertaking any task for the first time it's always good to take your time and not rush into it.
Have fun and enjoy.

  • High blood pressure - only come forward half way.
  • Ear or eye problems  (same as above.)
  • Be careful if you have a bad headache. Generally not recommended.
  • Tight back or injury - be careful, bend your knees, come forward half way
  • Tight hamstrings (backs of legs) same as above, or use the support of a wall.
How To:
  • Stand in mountain pose, check to make sure your feet are hip distance apart and parallel.
  • Start with hands on hips.
  • Inhale, opening the chest, lengthening the spine, lifting up out of the hips.
  • Exhale, bending from the hip (not the waist.)
  • Think about opening and lengthening, extending the front torso and top of the head.
  • Reach your fingers towards the ground. Bring the chest towards the thighs before bringing the head towards the legs.
  • Think about lifting the sit bones upwards, relax the belly.
  • Stay in this stretch for 5 - 6 breaths, releasing tension with every exhale.
  • Stimulates the liver and kidney.
  • Great stretch for the hamstrings, calves and back.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Can relieve insomnia.
  • Calms and reduces fatigue.
If you would like to practice yoga stretch in a class environment contact us for times. We offer free yoga meditation classes, yoga meditate relax, and more. All welcome.

Holistic yoga meditation studio
Palm beach, Gold coast, Qld

Before attempting any of these stretches seek advise from your doctor. We can not and will not be responsible for any injury caused by your attempt to stretch following these instructions.