Friday, April 19, 2013

Karma - What is it?


We are born here because we have certain desires. Our gross physical body forms around the desires we bring with us from our previous birth. We use this body as our vehicle in order to be able to fulfill our desires in this world.

Being self centered we go on our merry way living for ourselves. Generally we are not interested in a life of transcendence, for it is a rare person indeed who is drawn to self realisation.

We live mostly for gratifying the senses, being totally unaware that there are certain laws in place which means that every action we perform incurrs a reaction.

As Lord Jesus said in the Bible "As Ye sow, so shall Ye reap" or "For every action there is a reaction" This is the simple law of karma. No one can escape this law I'm afraid. Unfortunately, just because we are unaware of this law does not make us exempt from it's effects.

As the quote says above, Never blame anyone in your Life, we are destined for a certain amount of happiness and a certain amount of bad experiences. We should know that everything we experience in life is due to our past deeds, good or bad.

There is however a positive alternative. A life of Akarma or No Karma. 

If you would like to know more: Be sure to contact us for a very simple and enjoyable solution.

Yoga Meditation Palm Beach 4221

Namaste !