Thursday, January 24, 2013

Cat Cow Stretch - Yoga Asana

Simple Cat Cow Pose 

  • Begin in neutral cat. On your mat - kneel on all fours, knees under hips and hands under shoulders. Nice flat back.  
  • Spread the fingers wide with the middle finger pointing towards the short edge of your mat. Be aware of the pads at the base of each finger as they contact the mat. 
  • Slowly inhale and look up. Lengthening away from your shoulders, keeping your neck long as you lengthen your shoulders down and away from your ears. 
  • Open your chest towards the front, taking the belly button towards your mat. Feel the gluts seperate.
  • Exhale, lower the head, chin towards the chest, keeping the back of the neck long as you round your back towards the ceiling.
  • Firm your belly and press the gluts together.  
  • Repeat for 4 to 6 breaths, moving smoothly between each move.

Cat pose alleviates stress, helps stretch the back of your neck and torso and gently massages your belly and abdominal organs. When combined with cow pose, cat pose can help to develop breath control and awareness, which is one of the most important lessons you can learn from a yoga practice.


The cat pose is generally not advised for people who have suffered a recent back or neck injury or have acute or chronic neck or back pain. If you have a stiff upper back, it may be difficult for you to round your upper back.

Before attempting any of these stretches seek advise from your doctor. We can not and will not be responsible for any injury caused by your attempt to stretch following these instructions.
