Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Holistic yoga meditation4221 studio palm beach qld - A poem titled 'In his footsteps'.

"When someone does a kindness
it always seems to me, 
that's the way God in heaven 
would like us all to be... 
for when we bring some pleasure 
to another human heart, 
we have followed in his footsteps and we've had a little part 
in serving him who loves us - 
for I am very sure it's true 
that in serving those around us 
we serve and please him, too."

- Helen Steiner Rice


  1. Thats a nice saying Iwill try and remember that and put it into practise

  2. Yes, thanks for your comment.

    Sometimes when we find it difficult to be paitent, kind and thoughtful towards others it's always good to remember inspiring words that we have read and try to put them into practice.

    What really helps is having a consistent practice to engage in which helps to promote and bring out the best in us, like dusting off the good qualities lying dormant within us.

    That's where yoga meditation comes into play. The meditations we use help to clear away the thick covering of self - centeredness surrounding our heart and mind. The yoga meditations help to uncover our true selfless spirit.

    If you are in the area look us up and book in for a yoga meditation class, or any of the other classes you like.

    Stay in touch, come back anytime. Comments are always welcome.

    Until next time.

