Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Love .. True love according to Yoga Philosophy


Everyone in the whole entire world, or should I say 3 worlds, or all of the universes are interested in LOVE..!  It is a much talked about subject, a hot topic so to speak.

The soul by nature is loving, wants to recieve as well as give love.

The ancient teachings of Yoga Philosophy share this: God is the one we should love.

Unfortunately some people in this world believe that 'they' or each of us is God. I can see how one might mistakenly come to this conclusion. I can also see how most people in this world do not see God as being lovable. This is only due to a poor fund of knowledge.

Yoga Philosophy teaches that God is in fact the most lovable. He is not like the dictator that some see him as, arbitrarily tossing people into the firey pits of eternal damnation.

He is in fact our best friend, always with us through thick and thin. Our ever well-wisher and constant companion.

These are the teaching of Vedic Philosophy.

God is God with a capital G. We the minute living entities on the other hand are god with a small g ... meaning that we are part and parcel of the Supreme, but in minute quantity. Quantitatively we are little iddy biddy tiny parts and parcels of the Supreme whole. We are not God, we are not equal to God and we can never be God.

If you would like to know more on this subject feel welcome to contact us.

Holistic Yoga Meditation Palm Beach 4221

Best wishes

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