Yoga Meditation Studio 4221 Palm Beach. Nourish Body Mind and Soul when you visit our Yoga And Meditation Studio on the Gold Coast Queensland. Discover the benefits of Hatha Yoga and Meditation. Discover Yoga Mantras and the rich history behind the practice. Find out how these simple and enjoyable practices may benefit you 🌷 Instagram: @yogameditationpalmbeach and @eatmorevegies
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Love .. True love according to Yoga Philosophy
Everyone in the whole entire world, or should I say 3 worlds, or all of the universes are interested in LOVE..! It is a much talked about subject, a hot topic so to speak.
The soul by nature is loving, wants to recieve as well as give love.
The ancient teachings of Yoga Philosophy share this: God is the one we should love.
Unfortunately some people in this world believe that 'they' or each of us is God. I can see how one might mistakenly come to this conclusion. I can also see how most people in this world do not see God as being lovable. This is only due to a poor fund of knowledge.
Yoga Philosophy teaches that God is in fact the most lovable. He is not like the dictator that some see him as, arbitrarily tossing people into the firey pits of eternal damnation.
He is in fact our best friend, always with us through thick and thin. Our ever well-wisher and constant companion.
These are the teaching of Vedic Philosophy.
God is God with a capital G. We the minute living entities on the other hand are god with a small g ... meaning that we are part and parcel of the Supreme, but in minute quantity. Quantitatively we are little iddy biddy tiny parts and parcels of the Supreme whole. We are not God, we are not equal to God and we can never be God.
If you would like to know more on this subject feel welcome to contact us.
Holistic Yoga Meditation Palm Beach 4221
Best wishes
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Holistic Yoga Meditation - Trees Are Our Friends
5 amazing virtues of trees
- The net cooling effect of single, young healthy tree is equivalent to 10 room-sized air conditioners, running for 20 hours a day. 10 air conditioners, a single tree.
- A tree planted today on the west side of your house will result in a 3% energy savings in the five years time, 12% savings in fifteen years.
- A single stand of trees reduces particulate pollution 9-13%, with the amount of dust reaching the ground beneath those trees 27-42%, versus in an open area.
- If you have trees on your property near your home it accounts for 10-23% of your home value.
- In urban areas, assuming the cost of planting and maintaining a tree for three years at $250-600, it will return $90,000 in direct benefits over its lifetime (apart from beautification, etc.).
Help the environment and Mother earth. Plant a tree today
free yoga meditation,
mother earth,
palm beach 4221,
Palm Beach QLD, Australia
Monday, October 8, 2012
Yoga asana stretch - Uttanasana (Forward Fold)
Uttanasana - Yoga Stretch
This is a very simple yoga stretch. Try it and experience the benefits for yourself. It is best to practice any yoga pose on an empty stomach and in a nice relaxing environment.
When practicing a yoga stretch for the first time read and then re-read the instructions carefully first. When undertaking any task for the first time it's always good to take your time and not rush into it.
Have fun and enjoy.
Holistic yoga meditation studio
Palm beach, Gold coast, Qld
Before attempting any of these stretches seek advise from your doctor. We can not and will not be responsible for any injury caused by your attempt to stretch following these instructions.
This is a very simple yoga stretch. Try it and experience the benefits for yourself. It is best to practice any yoga pose on an empty stomach and in a nice relaxing environment.
When practicing a yoga stretch for the first time read and then re-read the instructions carefully first. When undertaking any task for the first time it's always good to take your time and not rush into it.
Have fun and enjoy.
- High blood pressure - only come forward half way.
- Ear or eye problems (same as above.)
- Be careful if you have a bad headache. Generally not recommended.
- Tight back or injury - be careful, bend your knees, come forward half way .
- Tight hamstrings (backs of legs) same as above, or use the support of a wall.
- Stand in mountain pose, check to make sure your feet are hip distance apart and parallel.
- Start with hands on hips.
- Inhale, opening the chest, lengthening the spine, lifting up out of the hips.
- Exhale, bending from the hip (not the waist.)
- Think about opening and lengthening, extending the front torso and top of the head.
- Reach your fingers towards the ground. Bring the chest towards the thighs before bringing the head towards the legs.
- Think about lifting the sit bones upwards, relax the belly.
- Stay in this stretch for 5 - 6 breaths, releasing tension with every exhale.
- Stimulates the liver and kidney.
- Great stretch for the hamstrings, calves and back.
- Improves digestion.
- Can relieve insomnia.
- Calms and reduces fatigue.
Holistic yoga meditation studio
Palm beach, Gold coast, Qld
Before attempting any of these stretches seek advise from your doctor. We can not and will not be responsible for any injury caused by your attempt to stretch following these instructions.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Holistic Yoga Meditation - Five Simple Rules For Happiness
Through the practice of mantra yoga a person is able to free the heart of hatred and the mind of worry. A lifestyle centred around this practice automatically encourages a simple lifestyle, the heart to do and give more and as a result expect less.
The practice of Yoga meditation is a very simple and enjoyable one. If you would like to discover more, you are very welcome to contact us. Comment and leave your details so we can get back to you.
Have a great day.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Insights - A side benefit of the ancient practice of yoga meditation.
"Insight is a gift
that comes to those
that hunger after
truth." - Anon
texts tell us that the 'self' must take on a gross physical body as a direct consequence of coming to this world. The self is covered not only by the gross physical body but also by a subtle body which is made up of a more subtle type of energy imperceptible to earth eyes.
The self, soul, spiritual spark wanders about the world trying to enjoy, trying to be happy, trying to keep some order in their life but is thwarted at every turn. Why...? Because it is not our natural position to have dominion, or to be in full control. More often than not the illusory energy has firm control over the misguided and forgetful soul.
For many lifetimes the 'self' can exist in a deluded state, looking for happiness, peace, love. After experiencing total frustration and angst such a person may begin to enquire, what am I doing here, what is the point, what should I be doing and how should I be living my life. At this time due to the causeless mercy and grace of the Supreme, a person may recieve the gift of insight and experience many blessings. If such a soul is the most fortunate of all they will come into contact or meet and be able to hear from a true yoga master.
At this point it is up to the person to use their free will and decide what to do, they may change their life, or they may not. The individual has the freedom to choose. And has this freedom eternally.
The fact is we are already loved but we need to learn how to love (in the truest sense) again. We have been given all the tools we need in the form of a most joyful, simple method that will help us reconnect spiritually. This is a very ancient scientific based practice, recommended by great yoga masters past and present.
If you would like to learn how to practice yoga meditation and experience for yourself the life changing effects that may take place as a result, be sure to leave a comment along with your details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
ancient practice,
side benefit,
spirit spark,
yoga masters,
yoga meditation,
yoga texts
Palm Beach QLD, Australia
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Praise the Lord, Praise the servants of the Lord, Praise the name of the Lord.
"Praise ye the Lord. Praise, O ye servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord."
- Old Testament, Psalms 113: 1
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Kindness, Friendship and Love is alive and well in the animal kingdom
Really nice quotes.
What the world needs is alot more kindness, friendship, love and respect. Not just amongst humans, but extending to all God's children. ALL living beings :)
Cat Guides Blind Dog

Soon enough, the
once-energetic dog was spending most of his time in his dog bed, unable
to find his way around.
On a whim, Terfel’s owner Judy Godfrey-Brown let a stray cat, whom she named Pwditat (pronounced Puddy-tat), into her home. The feline made a beeline for the blind dog and began using its paws and head to herd Terfel into the garden. Now the unlikely friends sleep together, and Pwditat helps Terfel find his way everywhere.
On a whim, Terfel’s owner Judy Godfrey-Brown let a stray cat, whom she named Pwditat (pronounced Puddy-tat), into her home. The feline made a beeline for the blind dog and began using its paws and head to herd Terfel into the garden. Now the unlikely friends sleep together, and Pwditat helps Terfel find his way everywhere.
How sweet :)
Om Shanti
free classes,
thru the practice of yoga meditation,
Yoga asana
Palm Beach QLD, Australia
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Holistic yoga meditation4221 studio palm beach qld - A poem titled 'In his footsteps'.
"When someone does a kindness
it always seems to me,
that's the way God in heaven
would like us all to be...
for when we bring some pleasure
to another human heart,
we have followed in his footsteps and we've had a little part
in serving him who loves us -
for I am very sure it's true
that in serving those around us
we serve and please him, too."
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Holistic yoga meditation studio 4221 palm beach qld - offers this food for thought. An inspirational quote by Lord Buddha.
“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Yoga meditation studio palm beach 4221 would like to share with you this - Ancient Truth
"The soul is atomic in size and can be perceived by perfect intelligence. This atomic soul is floating in the five kinds of air (prana, apana, vyana, samana and udana), is situated within the heart, and spreads its influence all over the body of the embodied living entities. When the soul is purified from the contamination of the five kinds of material air, its spiritual influence is exhibited."
- Mundaka Upanisad 3:1:9
- Mundaka Upanisad 3:1:9
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Holistic yoga meditation 4221 - shares this from the Bible
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